SAT calculator programs
SAT calculator programs: SRP
Our Score Raising Programs are designed to
help you on many of the most common problems you might find
on an SAT test. These sat calculator programs are an invaluable
tool which will not only give you accurate results but also
help you by saving precious time and keeping your focus
for other parts of the test.
SAT calculator programs: choose the right
The calculator you choose is an important
step on your SAT math preparation. We recommend you use
either the Ti-89 graphing calculator or the Ti-83/84 series
graphing calculators. The Ti-89 series are the most advanced
calculators and, when running our programs on it, can become
invaluable help for your SAT math preparation and test.
Despite this, this model is more expensive and much more
difficult to learn how to use than the Ti-83/84 models (which
are the most popular models), so we recommend the Ti-83/84
calculators for those who are less technology savvy or with
less time to learn a much more complicated calculator.
SAT calculator programs: the math Grid
The math Grid portion of the SAT is probably
one of the parts in which our SAT calculator programs will
be more useful. This portion of the test is very difficult
due to the fact that it is not multiple choice and you have
to fill in a rather complex grid.
Our SAT calculator programs are designed to
be able to help you on many of the problems you will have
to face in this portion of the SAT. By simply plugging in
the data they give you, you will receive a very accurate
answer which will save you not only time but also energy
and ensure that you have the right answer.